2 years ago
Doris, Chris, Andrew and Sarah Hope
Please donate generously to this small, but wonderful, charity. Dad was only home, before his passing, for a total of 11 hours but, he had 2 visits in that time from a Rennie Grove nurse and carers that evening. When I'd discovered, that Dad had passed at 3am, it was Rennie Grove that I called first and 2 nurses were there within 10mins.
They treated Dad with love, care, compassion and respect, washing him, dressing him in his favourite jim-jams and Noel Coward dressing gown and there he looked so peaceful, just like he was sleeping until the funeral services arrived in the morning.
They were also amazing and comforting to us, Mum especially, and very helpful on what to do next.
Rennie Grove specialises in Hospice Care in West Herts and parts of Bucks. They help people, like my Dad , get their wish of care at home instead of at Hospital.
End of life care, consists of 3 visits a day from carers as well as from their Nursing team, if and when needed.
What they do is, frankly, priceless...